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Plumbing & Mechanical Checklist
San Diego, CA
Check with your engine maker or its distributor for a list of recommended spare parts to maintain onboard.
- Spares Kits – for all Pumps on board including Pressure, Hand and Bilge Bumps with extra impellers as applicable.
- Spares Kit – for Engine Raw Water Pump, all parts plus extra impellers and complete backup pump.
- Spares – for Stove, include Burner(s) and/or parts for stove.
- Spares – for Head, all parts plus extra joker valves and packing.
- Spare Bulbs for running lights and cabin lights, plus a switch or two. Try replacement LED bulbs in your fixtures!
- Spares – for Oil Lamps, include Chimneys, Wicks, Mantles and Burners, plus extra Paraffin Oil.
- Batteries for everything using them.
- Water-Separating Fuel Filter Funnel.
- Spares – In-Line Water Filter Cartridges & Heater Elements.
- Fuel Additive(s) for fungus prevention and water absorption.
- Spares – Fuel injectors/points, plugs, and distributor rotor.
- Spare Oil Filter Cartridges and OIL, enough oil for at least two oil changes and any anticipated consumption of motor.
- Spares – Zincs wherever needed.
- Spares – Hoses and Fan Belts wherever needed.
- Distilled Water and Salinity Tester to check quality of any distilled water before using in battery.
- Hydrometer, Battery Filler, and Baking Soda.
- Hose Clamps plus Assorted Fasteners – nuts, bolts, etc.
- Volt-Ohmmeter with test leads and alligator clips.
- Tool Kit – the biggest and best you can afford and fit onboard & also include if possible, a Vacuum Gauge, Prop Puller, Drill Tapping Set, Battery-Operated Drill, & High-Speed Drill Bits.
- Gasket Material and Adhesives.
- Spares – for Outboard, including prop, impellers, ignition parts, plugs, etc.
- Spares – for Auto Pilot, including belt and parts.
- Spares – Fuel Pump, Battery Switch, and Ignition Switch.
- Spare Alternator or Generator and/or Brushes and Bearings.
- Spare Voltage Regulator.
- Freon Re-charge Kit (find in auto parts store), plus Refrigerator Vacuum Pump, Gauge and Dryer.